A new dawn is always a noon that gives reason for skepcism,
awe or a rather beguiling reflecon. For children who grew up
especially in the former Brish colonies, Humpty Dumpty is
part of the vocabulary. Fast forward to having come to
significant cognizance, the very ‘lyrics’ to this nursery rhyme
defines our world, a round world that has tumbled and fallen
off its wall, knocked down by some evident and perhaps not so
evident forces.
One can only but reflect on these issues perpetrated by the
flawed nature of humankind that constantly seeks personal
graficaon and yet in dire search for true happiness and
contentment despite the chaos.
Gray and Gray Gallery is pleased to present in its maiden show,
a selected group of arsts who look at the noon of ‘success’
and ‘failure’ in a seemingly ‘successful’ world, spellbound by
atrocies that defy common sense. This idea is invesgated in
context and concept, and in some cases metaphorically, looking
beyond just the obvious, with each arst presenng works from
their own interpretaon of a failing world to depict hope, and
or failure
Contact us to inquire about available works.